You may know what a CUSIP is, but CUSIP Global Services (CGS) does so much more than simply issue CUSIP identifiers. To learn more about CGS, download our educational session, ‘CUSIP 101: Back to Basics.' During this webinar we explored:

  • The history of CUSIP® from the 1960s to present day
  • CGS' operating model
  • How CUSIPs are created and assigned
  • The broader world of financial standards
  • Distribution and protection of CGS data
  • A glimpse of the future, including digital securities

Whether you are new to financial services or a savvy industry veteran, there is something for everyone to learn. We welcome you and any colleagues who may benefit to watch this informative session.


Matthew Bastian

Senior Director – CGS Market Development
CUSIP Global Services

Gerard Faulkner

Director of Operations
CUSIP Global Services

Brian Sweeney

Product Manager
CUSIP Global Services


CUSIP® is an integral element in the expanding worldwide commitment to uniform, unique securities identifiers. From CUSIPs and CINS to ISINs and LEIs, the standardized reference data available via CUSIP helps market participants facilitate flows of capital, bolster their master files, and optimize their securities operations. For more information on CUSIP Global Services, visit our website.

CUSIP is registered trademark of the American Bankers Association.
CUSIP Global Services (CGS) is managed on behalf of the American Bankers Association by FactSet Research Systems Inc.
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